
All Saints Episcopal Church

Todos Los Santos

Come as you are! All are welcome. No exceptions!

All Saints Episcopal Church is a multicultural, inclusive Episcopal Parish with a growing outreach ministry.

All are Welcome!

Service Times

Sunday Morning
9:30 a.m.     English Language Service

11:00 a.m.   Spanish Language Service

Pentecost Sunday:  May 19 One Bilingual Service at 10 a.m., followed by an ice cream social

Sunday services can be viewed live on our FaceBook Page.

Office Hours

9-12 Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday

Office Hours may vary during Holiday Seasons

Food Pantry Hours

9-12 Tuesdays and Thursdays

See Events for Holiday services and Events

4201 West Washington Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89107

(702) 878-2373

Email – office@allsaintslv.com

Donate through Tithe.ly

We also accept donations through Zelle. Use our office email (above) for our contact info through Zelle.

Parish Blogs

Useful Links

From Father Rafael

Thoughts on marriage





The love of marriage involves fidelity, responsibility for the other, care for the couple, attention to details, freshness in the treatment, sincerity and truth to every test; knowing to forgive and ask for forgiveness; accepting the other as he is and not as I want him to be; implies renouncing oneself, submission to another, selflessness, affection, sacrifice, tenderness. Now this is true love! Not what the current world sells me.

El amor del matrimonio implica fidelidad, responsabilidad por el otro, cuidado de la pareja, atención a los detalles, frescura en el trato, sinceridad y verdad a toda prueba; saber perdonar y pedir perdón; acoger al otro como es y no como yo quiero que sea; implica renuncia a sí mismo, entrega al otro, desinterés, cariño, sacrificio, ternura. ¡Éste es amor verdadero! No lo que me vende el mundo actual.

By |August 17th, 2023|

Events and Announcements 

Weekly Newsletter April 19. 2024

Weekly Newsletter April 19, 2024

Hello Friends,

Please join us for Patio Nights tomorrow, April 20. Gates open at 6, and music starts at 7. This is a free night of music. Bring your own food or bring cash for the taco truck

Father Rafael had surgery on Wednesday. The surgery went well, and he is improving day by day. He is still in a lot of pain. He will probably come home on Monday, depending on his progress.

Food Pantry Needs

macaroni & cheese

pasta, pasta sauce, ramen

cereal, canned fruit

canned tuna and chicken

Financial Update

Revenue, year-to-date:   $72,939.34

Expenses, year-to-date:  $76,492.96

Difference:  -$3,553.62

Our latest financial report is here.

Street Teens

The Street Teens organization needs bottled water. You can put it on the shelves in the church.

Upcoming Events

Book Study:  every Tuesday at 12:30, reading Pray Like a Gourmet

Bible Study:  every Sunday, at 10:55 in Room 3

Needlers Meeting:  April 20 at 10 a.m.

Vestry Meeting:  April 23 at 6 p.m.

Altar Guild Meeting:  May 4 at 9:30 a.m

Episcopal Woman of Nevada Spring Tea

April 27: St. Christopher’s Boulder City Noon to 2:00 p.m 

You are invited to attend a Spring Tea. We will serve scones, lemon curd, sandwiches, desserts and an assortment of teas. There will be vegan and gluten free options. There will be a best hat contest as well as raffle baskets and a time to share with other women. Please invite your friends to join us. Tickets are $20 payable at the door. Profits from the tea are used to defray expenses for ECW Triennial. Please make a reservation one week prior to the event by sending a message to Margaret Bouzek at margaret.bouzek@gmail.com

If you have any prayer requests, please email me, or call the Office. The Office is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 9 a.m. until noon.



Ruth J. Leamy

Office Manager

All Saints / Todos Los Santos Episcopal Church

708 878 2373

By |April 19th, 2024|

News and Upcoming Events

Here is the information that we shared in our weekly newsletter:

(Desplácese hacia abajo para ver la misma información en español)

Financial Update

Revenue, year-to-date:   $67,033.04

Expenses, year-to-date:  $73,144.37

Difference:  -$6,111.33


Food Pantry Needs

macaroni & cheese

pasta, pasta sauce, ramen

cereal, canned fruit

canned tuna and chicken

Bible Study

We are returning to our usual format of discussing the readings we hear in church. I am attaching this week’s handout so that you can see the kind of information we are looking at in class. You are welcome to join us every week at 10:55, or drop in when you can.

Upcoming Events

Book Study:  every Tuesday at 12:30, reading Pray Like a Gourmet

Bible Study:  every Sunday, at 10:55 in Room 3

Needlers Meeting:  April 20 at 10 a.m.

Patio Nights: April 20. Gates open and 6, music starts at 7. This is a free night of music. Bring your own food or bring cash for the taco truck

Vestry Meeting:  April 23 at 6 p.m.

Altar Guild Meeting:  May 4 at 9:30 a.m

Episcopal Woman of Nevada Spring Tea

April 27: St. Christopher’s Boulder City Noon to 2:00 p.m 

You are invited to attend a Spring Tea. We will serve scones, lemon curd, sandwiches, desserts and an assortment of teas. There will be vegan and gluten free options. There will be a best hat contest as well as raffle baskets and a time to share with other women. Please invite your friends to join us. Tickets are $20 payable at the door. Profits from the tea are used to defray expenses for ECW Triennial. Please make a reservation one week prior to the event by sending a message to Margaret Bouzek at margaret.bouzek@gmail.com


Actualización financiera: 

Ingresos, en lo que va del año: $67,033.04

Gastos, en lo que va del año: $73,144.37

Diferencia: -$6,111.33


Necesidades de la despensa de alimentos

Macarrones con queso

pasta, salsa para pasta, ramen

cereales, fruta enlatada

atún y pollo enlatados

Próximos Eventos

Estudio de libro: todos los Martes a las 12:30, lectura de Reza como un gourmet

Estudio Bíblico: se reanuda el domingo 14 de Abril a las 10:55 en el Salón 3.
Reunión de Needlers: 20 de Abril a las 10 a.m.
Noches de Patio: 20 de Abril. Las puertas se abren a las 6, la música comienza a las 7. Esta es una noche de música gratis. Trae tu propia comida o trae dinero en efectivo para el camión de tacos.

Reunión de la Parroquia: 23 de Abril a las 6 p.m.
Reunión del Gremio de Altares: 4 de Mayo a las 9:30 a.m.

Té de primavera de la mujer episcopal de Nevada

27 de abril: St. Christopher’s Boulder City, del mediodía a las 2:00 p. m.

Estás invitado a asistir a un té de primavera. Serviremos bollos, cuajada de limón, sándwiches, postres y una variedad de tés. Habrá opciones veganas y sin gluten. Habrá un concurso del mejor sombrero además de rifa de canastas y un tiempo para compartir con otras mujeres. Por favor invita a tus amigos a unirse a nosotros. Los boletos cuestan $20 pagaderos en puerta. Las ganancias del té se utilizan para sufragar los gastos de ECW Triennial. Haga una reserva una semana antes del evento enviando un mensaje a Margaret Bouzek a margaret.bouzek@gmail.com

By |April 12th, 2024|



Palm Sunday, March 24

  • 9:30 a.m. Service in English
  • 11:00 Service in Spanish

Monday, March 25, 6 p.m. Quiet Service

Tuesday, March 26, 6 p.m. Quiet Service

Wednesday, March 27, 6 p.m. Quiet Service

Maundy Thursday, March 28 6:30 p.m. Bilingual Service

Good Friday, March 29

  • Quiet Service at Noon in English
  • 5:30 p.m. Bilingual Stations of the Cross
  • 6:30 p.m. Bilingual Good Friday Service

Easter Vigil, Saturday, March 30

7:00 p.m. Bilingual Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday, March 31

10 a.m. Bilingual Service

By |March 22nd, 2024|

Other Blogs

Las Vegas HONOR Latino Award

Congratulations to Father Rafael Pereira Winner of the 2023 HONOR Latino Award in the Spiritual Leadership category. The city of Las Vegas created the HONOR Latino Awards in 2022 to highlight and celebrate “the works and roots” of the leaders and pioneers of the Latino community who positively impact the Las Vegas community.

Felicitaciones al Padre Rafael Pereira
Ganador del Premio HONOR Latino 2023
en la categoría de Liderazgo Espiritual.
La ciudad de Las Vegas creó los Premios HONOR Latino en 2022
para resaltar y celebrar “las obras y raíces” de los líderes y pioneros de la comunidad latina que impactan positivamente a la comunidad de Las Vegas.

By |November 25th, 2023|

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