Weekly Newsletter April 19, 2024

Hello Friends,

Please join us for Patio Nights tomorrow, April 20. Gates open at 6, and music starts at 7. This is a free night of music. Bring your own food or bring cash for the taco truck

Father Rafael had surgery on Wednesday. The surgery went well, and he is improving day by day. He is still in a lot of pain. He will probably come home on Monday, depending on his progress.

Food Pantry Needs

macaroni & cheese

pasta, pasta sauce, ramen

cereal, canned fruit

canned tuna and chicken

Financial Update

Revenue, year-to-date:   $72,939.34

Expenses, year-to-date:  $76,492.96

Difference:  -$3,553.62

Our latest financial report is here.

Street Teens

The Street Teens organization needs bottled water. You can put it on the shelves in the church.

Upcoming Events

Book Study:  every Tuesday at 12:30, reading Pray Like a Gourmet

Bible Study:  every Sunday, at 10:55 in Room 3

Needlers Meeting:  April 20 at 10 a.m.

Vestry Meeting:  April 23 at 6 p.m.

Altar Guild Meeting:  May 4 at 9:30 a.m

Episcopal Woman of Nevada Spring Tea

April 27: St. Christopher’s Boulder City Noon to 2:00 p.m 

You are invited to attend a Spring Tea. We will serve scones, lemon curd, sandwiches, desserts and an assortment of teas. There will be vegan and gluten free options. There will be a best hat contest as well as raffle baskets and a time to share with other women. Please invite your friends to join us. Tickets are $20 payable at the door. Profits from the tea are used to defray expenses for ECW Triennial. Please make a reservation one week prior to the event by sending a message to Margaret Bouzek at margaret.bouzek@gmail.com

If you have any prayer requests, please email me, or call the Office. The Office is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 9 a.m. until noon.



Ruth J. Leamy

Office Manager

All Saints / Todos Los Santos Episcopal Church

708 878 2373