All Saints Todos Los Santos Familia/Family

Nuestro querido líder espiritual, Reverendo Rafael Pereira, ha tomado una licencia médica. Toda nuestra congregación está unida para apoyarlo a él y a su familia en este momento traumático. Todos valoramos mucho la comunidad que tenemos en All Saints Todos Los Santos y haremos todo lo posible para preservarla y mantenerla. Nuestros servicios semanales en

Thoughts on marriage

        The love of marriage involves fidelity, responsibility for the other, care for the couple, attention to details, freshness in the treatment, sincerity and truth to every test; knowing to forgive and ask for forgiveness; accepting the other as he is and not as I want him to be; implies renouncing oneself,


      La Fe es adelantarse a la victoria. Es sentir Paz en el corazón antes de obtenerla y Gratitud ante Dios por los bienes que aun no he recibido . Creyendo que El no fallará . Faith is stepping forward to victory. It's to feel peace in the heart before getting it and

In the heart of Jesus meek and humble, we find the perfect balance between self-esteem and humility: self-esteem, because we are loved unconditionally, which means that, at the core of our being, we are good and valuable; but also humility, because we know we are not perfect, we have to

Consequences of Alcoholism

      Las consecuencias del alcoholismo en la relación de pareja, “ cuando deja de ser divertido “ El alcoholismo en la relación de pareja es un factor muy erosivo para el vínculo, e incluso para la familia en general. Esta situación crea a veces cuadros muy complejos en los que el rechazo

Marriage Counseling at All Saints’

Marriages fail for multiple reasons, but one of the most common ones—and overcoming which is quite a challenge—comes when one of the couple’s members has “cheated” the other person. In Counseling we realize that sometimes infidelities occur in happy relationships, as in troubled ones. National surveys indicate that 25 percent of married women and 35

thoughts on Lent

Lent is the favorable time to revive our relationships with God and others, and especially learn to know, accept and trust God. A meeting with oneself, to review and redirect life. It's a time to discern, to make decisions, to question where I'm going and with whom. And in this “with whom” I would have

A Prayer for Today

Lord, You know well what is in my heart. In your hands I put all that I am and all that I have. To you I entrust all my plans and fears, all my laughter and my tears, I know very well that you will never abandon me, but grant me the hope I need

From our Priest In Charge: Ayúdame Señor, a pensar menos en mi y A abrir espacios en mi corazón para que los puedas ocupar Tú y mis hermanos. En fin, mi Señor Jesus, Dame la gracia de ir adquiriendo poco a poco Un corazón manso, humilde, paciente y bueno. Cristo Jesús, manso y humilde

Note from the Office Manager: Father Rafael often posts thought-provoking statements on facebook. Although he posts in Spanish, facebook translates them into English. I will be sharing some of these statements every week. Here is one for today: Religion is the moral virtue that inclines man to give God due respect, honor and worship as

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