Deacon’s Blog2021-07-26T18:17:05-07:00

Deacon’s Blog


In the Catechism (pg 856, BCP) it says, “The ministry of a deacon is to represent Christ and his Church, particularly as a servant to those in need…) As your deacon, I would like to share the many ways All Saints serves those in need. These are the various ways and ministries in which we are involved.

I’ll begin with the Street Teens. We have supported this organization for years. In the beginning, we made the occasional gift to them, through specific offerings. That has grown into a wonderful partnership. We now visit them weekly to provide sandwiches and other necessities as they let us know the needs of their clients as part of our Outreach Tuesday.

Another great partnership is with the Just One Project. Through Rev. Neubauer’s wife, Brooke, we are giving out groceries to more than one hundred families in need on the second Tuesday of every month. They have recently begun leaving us with additional groceries to help meet the needs of the neighborhood for the rest of the month.

We are also leasing space to the Southern Nevada Health District for a sexual health clinic and vaccination clinic. We also leased space for COVID testing and vaccinations. This has been a great opportunity to reach out to the greater community.

Our Thrift Store has been a great help to our own community and recently began opening it on Tuesdays as part of our Outreach Tuesday. Families can find all sorts of gently used clothing and household supplies.

Finally, our newest project is Outreach Tuesday. Every Tuesday we have food bags for families in need and the Thrift store open for those in need. Volunteers also make over one hundred sandwiches every week that they deliver along with food and donations to the Street Teens. While just beginning this effort we are already beginning to help more people in the neighborhood. We are also listed on the Nevada 211 site as a location where people can get help.

These are just the main ways we reach out to serve those in our community. I know there are many within our congregation who do more, and we are always looking for new opportunities to continue the work of Christ to help those in need.


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