From Our Priests2024-02-10T20:14:17-08:00

From the Priest in Charge

Thoughts on marriage





The love of marriage involves fidelity, responsibility for the other, care for the couple, attention to details, freshness in the treatment, sincerity and truth to every test; knowing to forgive and ask for forgiveness; accepting the other as he is and not as I want him to be; implies renouncing oneself, submission to another, selflessness, affection, sacrifice, tenderness. Now this is true love! Not what the current world sells me.

El amor del matrimonio implica fidelidad, responsabilidad por el otro, cuidado de la pareja, atención a los detalles, frescura en el trato, sinceridad y verdad a toda prueba; saber perdonar y pedir perdón; acoger al otro como es y no como yo quiero que sea; implica renuncia a sí mismo, entrega al otro, desinterés, cariño, sacrificio, ternura. ¡Éste es amor verdadero! No lo que me vende el mundo actual.


Priest in Charge

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